In early articles, you learned "How to Revert a Commit in So-and-so" (a PowerShell Bum tutorial) and "How to Merge in Stinker: Remote and Topical So-and-so Repositories Tutorial." You can likewise use Git to produce branches in your project. Git branching allows multiple developers to run on a design by modifying the working codebase.

In this clause, you will watch more roughly Git branching, sextuple ways to create branches, and how to flux these branches to a localized or remote repository.

To follow on with this Git teacher and learn how to create branches, you will postulate:

  • The PowerShell Git client installed on your organisation (download and installation guide)
  • A free GitHub account
  • Connect to GitHub with SSH

What is Git Branching?

git branching definition

Git branching allows developers to diverge from the production version of code to fix a bug operating theater add a have. Developers create branches to act with a copy of the computer code without modifying the existing interlingual rendition. You create branches to isolate your code changes, which you test earlier mingling to the main branch (more connected this tardive).

Thither is cipher particular active the main ramify. It is the first branch made when you initialize a Git repository exploitation the lowlife initcommand.

When you create a commit, Git identifies that snapshot of files with a incomparable SHA-1 hash. When you initially produce a branch, Git creates a revolutionary pointer to the same commit the main branch is presently on. The plot below shows both branches take the unchanged snapshot of code at this pointedness.

branch diagram 1

As you produce commits in the new branch, Lowlife creates new pointers to track the changes. The latest commits are now ahead of the main branch commits. American Samoa you continue to pretend commits, each branch keeps track of its version of files.

branch diagram 2

Git knows which branch you have checked out by using a special pointer called Headland. When you create a new branch, Git doesn't immediately change the HEAD arrow to the brand-new outgrowth. You'll learn HEAD in the tutorial when you create branches and sight the commit log.

branch diagram HEAD

This branching function is what makes Git really powerful. Multiple people produce separate branches to work on their code and merge their changes into the main branch. Branches are meant to be temporary and should be deleted when work is completed.

Branch Appointment Strategies

Branch names rear be anything you'd wish. However, your organization or project may suffer standards outlined for offshoot denotive. For example, appellative the ramify based on the person responsible for for working connected the furcate and a verbal description or work item:

  • username/description
  • username/workitem

You can name a branch to indicate the branch's function, like a feature, bug fix, OR hotfix:

  • bugfix/verbal description
  • feature/feature article-gens
  • hotfix/description

Some other branched strategy is having branches dedicated to the different development cycles, like have operating theater hotfix. As work items come up, you make up a branch for that item from its respective branch. Yes, you can produce branches from branches! Check out Option 4 below for an example.

How to Create a Branch in Git

Enough theory, let's create some branches! These examples bequeath be victimisation PowerShell 7 on a Windows 10 system; however, you can enjoyment any terminus that supports Git commands.

Option 1: Creating a Branch

To create a branch, use the git branchcommand followed by the name of the branch. After making the branch, usegit branchagain to look at available branches.

Notice that creating a branch this room does not automatically switch to the early branch. Git uses an asterisk and a contrary colored font to identify which branch is active. This designation represents the HEAD pointer showing which branch is fighting.

git branch <branch name>  stinkpot branch

create branch

Choice 2: Creating a Branch exploitation Checkout

If you desire to produce a branch and checkout the branch at the same time, use the git checkoutcommand. The electrical switch -b specifies the key of the offset. Note that aft require mop up, Git has sick HEAD to the new branch.

so-and-so checkout time -b <branch name>  git branch

create branch checkout

Option 3: Creating a Branch from a Charge

You can make up a branch from a previous commit on an existing branch. Remember, a commit is just a snapshot in time of the files in a deposit. You make a branch from a pull if you want to work happening a specific snapshot of the files.

Before creating the branch, you postulate the SHA-1 identifier of the commit. To recover the identifier, enjoyment the git logcommand to view previous commits. Each commit leave have a complete SHA-1 hasheesh as the identifier. However, you but want the first few characters to identify the commit.

Next, use the same git ramificationovertop from Option 1 but append the pull identifier at the destruction. This example is using 40b4d7 from the second commit as the identifier.

Banknote the Psyche designator is on the main branch, which is the sporty branch. The other branches jeff/feature1 and jeff/feature2 point to the same put when you created them earlier. Both point to the one shot as each branch has not had additional commits made to for each one i since creation.

git log git branch <branch name> <identifier>        

create branch commit

Choice 4: Creating a Branch from Other Branch

If you use branches dedicated to hotfixes or features, you create branches from these other branches to process the item. Creating a branch from another ramification is no diametric from creating from the primary branch. You sportsmanlike need to specify the name of the other branch as the starting stop. This example shows creating the feature4 branch from the develop branch out.

git checkout -b feature4 train

Option 5: Download Branch from Distant Repository

Spell you accept a local copy of a monument to work with, so do other developers. These developers will have branches they are working on, and they can push their branches to a unlikely secretary.

Along the way, you may require to work on other branch that isn't local on your system. You prat deplumate or download specific branches from a remote repository to use on your system.

In a center deposit hosted in GitHub, notice the branches available are the same ones on the topical anesthetic system (intense, feature1, feature2, and hotfix1). Still, another developer named Maggie has a branch for hotfix2 that is not happening the local system. Maggie requests your assistance working on a hotfix, so you need to download this fork to your system.

remote branches

To call back the branch from the remote repository, use git pullagainst the origin and specify the name of the ramify. If you check for sale local branches, the new branch doesn't appear automatically. However, you give notice sound out the ramify and begin working on this new branch.

git displume origin <branch key out> git branch git checkout <branch name> git branch        

git pull remote branch

Merging Branches

Once you've completed shape happening your fork, it is metre to merge it into the chief branch. Merging takes your branch changes and implements them into the main branch. Dependant on the commit history, Git performs merges two ways: fast-onwards and three-way merge. Let's try out both of these supported on the branches and commit history in the favourable diagram.

merge diagram 1

When you merge the hotfix branch into the main branch out, Git will relocation the briny branch pointer forward to commit nr7jk. Skunk does this because the hotfix branch shares a plain ancestor commit with the main branch and is immediately ahead of its commit. This commit is a immobile-impudent merge.

fast forward

Once you mix up the hotfix leg, continue working happening the feature1 branch. As you continue making commits on the feature1 limb, the commit history diverges.

diverged commit history

Git is impotent to make a motion the pointer to the latest intrust ilk in a fast-forward intrust. To bring the feature1 branch into the main branch, Git performs a trine-way merge. Dirty dog takes a snap of three different commits to make a new one:

  • The common commit both branches share (a90hb)
  • The latest commit of the ramification (az84f)
  • The place of the ramification to merge into (nr7jk)

3 way merge commit

Merging Branches in a Localised Deposit

To mix up branches locally, manipulation git checkoutto switch to the branch you want to conflate into. This limb is typically the main limb. Next, use git mix upand specify the name of the strange branch to bring into this branch. This object lesson merges the jeff/feature1 branch into the main branch. Bank note that this is a profligate-forwards merge.

git checkout principal git fuse jeff/feature1        

git merge ff

Work continues on the primary and other branches, indeed they no yearner share a common commit story. Now a developer wants to merge the jeff/feature2 branch into the main leg. Instead, Git performs a many-sided (surgery recursive) merge commit.

git checkout main git merge jeff/feature2        

git recursive merge

Merging Branches to Remote Repository

If you create a branch in your local repository, the remote monument is non cognizant of the branch's existence. Before you can push the branch write in code in the removed repository, you determined the remote repository as the upstream branch victimisation the git pushcommand. This command at the same time sets the upstream furcate and pushes the outgrowth contents to the removed secretary.

git push --arrange-upstream origin <ramify list>

git push set upstream

Convergent Main into a Limb

While you are working happening your branch, other developers may update the main branch with their ramification. This action means your branch is now out of date of the main branch and missing subject. You posterior merge the main arm into your branch by checking out your branch and using the same dirty dog merge command.

so-and-so checkout <branch name> git merge main        

git merge to branch

Scum bag FAQs

What is creating a branch in Git?

Creating a branch takes a snap of the alive code so you can work on that independently of the main branch.

How bash I create a current branch in Git?

Apply the git branch compel and specify the limb discover, e.g., git branch feature1.

How can I view which branch is energetic?

Use git branch to view available branches and which one is active. Stinker typically designates the active outgrowth with an asterisk and a different colored font.

How can I switch to working on another branch?

Use git check and the appoint of the offshoot to make it active.

Can I create a branch in spite of appearanc another outgrowth?

Yes, pin down the name of the branch to base the new branch out, e.g., git branch feature-bug feature1.

My branch entirely exists topically. How send away I add together my branch to my remote Stinker depository?

Yes, use the git crusade command to arranged the upstream branch, e.g., git push –rig-upstream root <branch name>.

How can I update the primary branch with my offset's changes?

Switch to the main limb using the git checkout command, and then merge the limb using the bum immix command along with the branch name.

How backside I delete a branch?

When you are through with a branch, delete it using the git branch command and the -d switching, e.g., git branch -d feature1.


Git branching is a powerful feature article that allows teams to work the code severally of all former. Intentional how to create, cite, and commingle branches are essential skills for some developer, systems administrator, or DevOps engineer.